Posts tagged “broken tooth”

I now need a dental implant, will this affect my Invisalign treatment?

August 11th, 2011


i was meant to be getting invisalign treatment in less than a week, with my aligners fast on there way, but now ive gone and had a stupid accident and broke my front tooth. My dentist says theres not enough left for bonding or veneers and suggests an implant. If i got an implant and it took like 3 months or so to heal could i still start my invisalign? do you think my teeth will still match enough? I don’t know what to do, and it horrifies me to think that i might have to pay again

any help you could give would be really, really appreciated

dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

Forma 86
86 Harley Street, London Greater London, W1G 7H
Web: Tel: 0800 015 0569

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