Posts tagged “lifetime retainers”

How many aligners would I need to wear with Invisalign. Would I need a retainer afterwards?

May 3rd, 2011

hello Dr Patel I hope i find you well. I was hoping you could be of help as I was wondering how many of the invisalgin retainers do you usually have to wear during a normal treatment plan and what is the overall price for a normal case for me. ,my case is that I have slightly crooked front teeth and there is a problem in that some of my lower teeth are also crowded but nothing too major.
Also i’ve heard whisperings that you will also have to wear a retainer to bed every night for the rest of your life after the treatment or do my ears deceive me. is this true?

thanks for your time and hoeps you can help

dr riten patel

Dr Riten Patel

18 Ashley Road, Walton on Thames, Surrey, KT12 1HS
Web: Tel: 01932 223 479

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