Hello doctor. Can you tell me why it is Invisalign

Q. Hello doctor. Can you tell me why it is Invisalign is seen as one of the best discreet braces? There are other similar treatments out there like simpli5 but from what I can see Invisalign seems to get the best feedback???,
A. Invisalign is the only product in the world that uses 3D scanning technology and fabrication to make the braces. They use software to orthodontically move teeth, which no other system does. All other systems make gum shields on plaster models only which is a technique 100 years old. You are paying for high tech braces. Dr R Kumar
dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

Forma 86
86 Harley Street, London Greater London, W1G 7H
Web: www.forma86.com Tel: 0800 015 0569

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