Hi I’m struggling to decide between Invisalign and

Q. Hi I’m struggling to decide between Invisalign and Inman Aligners. I want a quick fix and have recently come across Invisalign Express – despite all sorts of searches I cannot find hardly any dentists that do this and more info on how much approx it would cost (top and bottom) and how long approx it would take rather than the regular 12-18 months. Thanks
A. Inman aligner is only good for pushing teeth out, usually lower fronts.
Invisalign express etc will involve movement of the front teeth only and if you do not have enough space then the dentist will have to file down the enamel between your teeth; thats why very few dentists do it. Orthodontics involves moving teeth not cutting teeth. without seeing your smile it is hard to say
dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

Forma 86
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