what will invisalign cost for a gap in my front teeth

Q. Hello Raj, I’m now 18 years old, and I wore braces for over 2 years (close to 3 I believe) and then a retainer for about 6-7 months. My teeth were lovely, I stopped wearing my retainer. Anyway, about a year down the line now, and I have a gap between my front two teeth, and also a gap between the one next to it. I can still push my teeth back together with a tiny non-visible gap. I can still put my top retainer on .. but even if I wear it for a few days .. my teeth go back to their old ways pretty quickly if I stop. What should I be doing? I don’t want to wear visible braces again.. I went through that for too long last time, and I’ll be starting university in just over a month. Would invisalign help me? What sort of timeframe and cost would I be looking at to sort my problem out in your opinion? Thank you for any help you give me
A. I am sorry that your orthodontics has not been stabilised. The chances are that you have some residual work to be done and Invisalign can sort this out for you.

The time frame could be 6 months or a little over. The problem that have is that dentists are quoting ridiculous fees for Invisalign and they can only do this by stripping the enamel between the front 6 teeth.

Now I do not do that and I insist the back teeth are moved out of the way to preserve the enamel. This takes longer but you will get a better more stable result. Our charges are 3000 to 4000 but you would be the lower mark.

dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

Forma 86
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