My dentist has placed some attachments on my front teeth and they look awful, why has this happened?

Q. I\’ve just returned from the dentist with my first set of aligners fitted. My dentist however has stuck some protrusions on my front side teeth. I was never told this would be needed, and it looks VERY, VERY odd – enough to make me reconsider choosing invisalign vs. normal braces (which I used to have when younger) and where nothing weird needed to be done to my teeth. They now look distorted, deformed even, with this stuff stuck to my original teeth and I am embarassed to be seen in public. Worse still, I\’ve no idea how these things will be removed without permanently damaging my teeth. Is this standard practice, and if so, why was I not told about it before paying for the treatment in full? Appreciate an opinion from another dentist. Thanks,
A. The attachments are standard practice. the dentist may have lightly mentioned this. They need to be on during the treatment and are removed at the end of the treatment. They should be tooth coloured buttons that help the aligners move your teeth. Sorry that you are upset about this, only a few people would notice. Dr R Kumar BDSLDSRCS
dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

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