Should I have invisalign or dental veneers?

Q. I am 23 years old and I have very spacey teeth, it\’s not just a gap in front it\’s all of them. I was wondering what is a better option braces or vineers. I want a fast and permenant fix,
A. Hello, Invisalign is a Orthodontic treatment, it moves the teeth into the desired position. The size, shape and colour of the teeth would not be changed with that.( Although beaching is possible with the last aligner.) Once the treatment is finished you need to wear reatiner. Depending your case, veneers could be made of either composite or porcelain.The above cosmetic treatment might be able to fix colour, shape, position, rotation and size problems. It is more likely the veneer plan takes shorter. However, you are very young and presumably your teeth are healthy,so you might want to consider Invisalign first. I would recommend a consultation at a Clinic where you could have both Invisalign and Cosmetic consulation to go through your options and decide which one works for you better.
Dr Viola Vajda

Dr Viola Vajda

Advance Dental Clinic
104 Moulsham Street, Chelmsford Essex, CM2 0JG
Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250

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