Is it worth it in my case to go ahead with the invisalign treatment?

Q. Dear Dr Solanki I am 51 years old. I have an overbite of nearly 1cm on my 2 front teeth & the next 2 on either side are slightly less. I have a crown on 2 teeth, 1 on either side a further 2 teeth in. I am extremely conscious of this when I speak & although everyone says it\’s not & they don\’t notice it, it\’s something I think about daily. I find I now don\’t always look people in the face when I talk to them as I think they\’re staring at my mouth. It does nothing for my confidence & I\’m a confident person. On a visit to my mum\’s dentist I saw a leaftlet about Invisalign and enquired about it to my mum\’s dentist. He said it looked as though my 2 front teeth needed pushing back & it would work for me. However, when I found out the price I decided not to go for the consultation. I\’m desperate to have them done though as I know Invisalign would completely change my life. Please would you let me know, from the info I have given you, if you think it\’s worth me pursuing this as I know a payment arrangement can be made. Kind regards – N
A. Dear N, If this is a problem that is effecting your confidence then I would suggest that you get the problem solved. Payment options can be discussed and the sooner you get started, the sooner you will have straight teeth! Dr Solanki
Dr Kailesh Solanki

Dr Kailesh Solanki

157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN
Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250

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