Posts tagged “payment arrangement”

I think my dentist giving me the run around how far’s to far?

September 22nd, 2011

im unhappy with my invisilign dentist.i gave them half of a $2000 downn payment.i was under the impression that when i went in a week or 2 later my trays were going to be ready,instead they just showed me digital images and asked for the other $1000 for the other half of the down payment.i told them i would pay that when the trays came in….so they kept calling me saying the trays were ready to be delivered and they needed the other half of the down payment,i gave it to them and set up an appointment for the next week,i got a phone call the day before the appoinmnet saying there was a problem in the factory and the trays havet even been made or hipped yet and should be here by the end of the far its been a bout a 2 month process ive given them $2000 and have received i being dramatic or should i ask for my money back and go somewhere else since i feel like im always getting the runaround?if i do ask for my money back would i get a full refund since i havent received any treatment yet?

dr raha sepherara

Dr Raha Sepehrara

The Dental Suite
36 Frederick Street, Loughborough Leicester, LE11 3BJ
Web: Tel: 01509 231144

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Do i have to pay for a replacement retainer?

January 14th, 2011
I have lost my retainer. Will I need to pay to get a new one or will my dentist offer a free one on this occasion? What is the situation with these retainers for future reference please? Thanks.,
Dr Kailesh Solanki

Dr Kailesh Solanki

157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN
Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250

View My Profile Dr Solanki

Is it worth it in my case to go ahead with the invisalign treatment?

April 19th, 2010
Dear Dr Solanki I am 51 years old. I have an overbite of nearly 1cm on my 2 front teeth & the next 2 on either side are slightly less. I have a crown on 2 teeth, 1 on either side a further 2 teeth in. I am extremely conscious of this when I speak & although everyone says it\’s not & they don\’t notice it, it\’s something I think about daily. I find I now don\’t always look people in the face when I talk to them as I think they\’re staring at my mouth. It does nothing for my confidence & I\’m a confident person. On a visit to my mum\’s dentist I saw a leaftlet about Invisalign and enquired about it to my mum\’s dentist. He said it looked as though my 2 front teeth needed pushing back & it would work for me. However, when I found out the price I decided not to go for the consultation. I\’m desperate to have them done though as I know Invisalign would completely change my life. Please would you let me know, from the info I have given you, if you think it\’s worth me pursuing this as I know a payment arrangement can be made. Kind regards – N
Dr Kailesh Solanki

Dr Kailesh Solanki

157 Woodsend Road, Flixton, Manchester, M41 8GN
Web: Tel: 0161 748 5250

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