My husband has suffered tooth misalignment after a car accident, can he have a brace?

Hello, my husband had a car accident just over a year ago and three of his teeth at the front of his mouth took some of the impact. whilst they didnt break or crack he feels that these three particulat teeth are not aligned with the rest of his teeth but have bucked backwards slightly. His teeth are painful but he won’t go to the dentist becuase he is worried that they willl remove his teeth.
I have been researching online about different treatments and I wondered if the invisal brace would help my husband?
He has somewhat of a phobia and won’t even research it on the internet. Any help would be great. Thank you.
Sorry to ear about your husband’s accident. Yes Invisible braces, such as Invisalign could correct this alignment, however he must get them checked out before any treatment and as soon as possible. At this first appointment they would only assess what damage has been done and discuss any treatment options. It is essential to have this done for peace of mind, resolve the pain that he is experiencing and prevent any infection.
Good luck
dr adam thorne

Dr Adam Thorne

Harley Street Dental Studio
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