Estimated cost for teeth whitening and straightening?

Q. Hi Dr Glaister, From the age of 13-16 I had a lot of orthodonist work done. I am missing my adult Lacteral incisors on both sides so once my teeth were straightened I was fitted with 2 maryland bridges to fill the gaps. 7 years later and my teeth have all moved and are discoloured. My central Incisors have moved slightly (one forward/one backwards) which has caused my bridges to also move out of line. The bridges are also a lot darker than my natural teeth. I’d like to have them straightened, whitened and the bridges replaced. Can you please give me some suggestions to the best way to do this. Would I have Invisalign fitted with the old bridges still in place or would I receive temporary ones? Which brace do you think would be the most efficent and quickest? Do you think it is a bad idea to whitened my teeth and then get my new bridges to match the colour as it will lead to possible unmatched colours in the future? Could you please give me some sort of cost estimation for the work suitable? Many thanks.
A. this is Dr Kumar
a question so long deserves an answer once you have come in for a consultation
dr raj kumar

Dr Raj Kumar

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